Top 6 benefits of reducing sugar for 20 days or quitting its use

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Just leave sugar for 20 days and see its benefits.

Today we will talk that if they leave up sugar for 20 days or reduce its use 20 days, will six such benefits get up, so we use sugar in many things like biscuits Chocolate tea is sugar in soft drinks.

You will be surprised that a small cold drink contains about 40 grams of sugar in the same way as we keep using sugar in the cakes and in different things all day long. 

1. You will feel less Tried.

If you give up the use of sugar for 20 days, the first advantage will be that.That you will be fatigue and your mood will start to stay very good. The reason is that our body has a system called and Orexin System. This system keeps us alert.

 If we continue to use sugar constant, this system is suppressed. Its work is reduced. So you start to get tired, so when you leave sugar for 20 days it is up. The alert begins to keep your heart. The first advantage of leaving sugar will be to work.

2. You feel less tried, fatigued and more alert.

Continuous use of sugar, according to science research, proves that people increase end enxity and depression. Second advantage will make you feel that your mood will start to be very good and you will start to be happy. And will get rid of depression.

3. You feel less Hungry.

If you turn off the sugar for 20 days, the third major benefit will be that you will not feel hungry, and behind it, science research proves that if sugar and fruit are seen, both glucose is glucose. Fruit glucose contains complex carbohydrates. These complexes are caused by carbohydrates fiber. 

While seen in sugar, there is nothing but calories, so whenever you use up sugar, it immediately goes into your blood and then the rest of the body.

The parts go into the parts because insulin is emitted from the pancreas. This process is often so high that insulin cells stop responding, so when people who use sugar are insulin resistance, their files.

 If glucose does not go, they do not get energy whenever a sugar diet is eaten, it does not allow our files to reach glucose, which causes a hormone to send a hormone to the brain that the body is still hungry.

Even if food is needed, the person eats repeatedly, but the effect of this diet does not have the body's effect that leaving sugar can reduce your appetite. Hunger will take the same when your body will need a real dose.

4. Better weight management.

The body will start to diminish fat and begin to lose weight. The reason is that when the father becomes addicted to sweet things, glucose goes into the body repeatedly.

It makes more glucose fat in our body Similarly increases the appetite of sugar -up. Sugar caught water in our body, leaving sugar causes the waste water out of the body. It may have made you guess at the beginning that your weight is losing.

 There are chances, then when glucose does not get the body in this form, the fats in the body get used to the body. Thus all the fats that are high in our body, our body uses them. As helps to lose larger weight, then after leaving 20 days of sugar, people will say to themselves that you have lost weight.

5. Leaving sugar to protect your skin from bad effects.

People who eat more sugar are quickly older, their wrinkles become more and more causes problems like infections on the face. The reason is that the sugar provides a lot of glucose in the body and there is a glacier can.

 It is a glow that when glucose with fat or protein attaches themselves, reduce its ability to work, so in our body, which has a protein called collagen that protects our lives When the glucose affects a protein called collagen, this collagen cannot perform its work and cannot protect our skin.

Collagen is a protein that keeps your skin fresh and gives the skin hard and gives the skin hard, so the collagen function is affected. The fifth benefit of leaving sugar is also the benefit of leaving the sugar that will help keep your skin safe.

6. The habit of leaving a drug like sugar.

You get rid of sugar intoxication because the reason is that whenever you eat a sweet thing, you feel good.

A hormone is emitted from your brain whose name is a hat man when these hormone emits If you feel happy one is a joy that is on success and one is the joy that feels you feel at helping someone.

 In both cases a hormone is released. So eating sugar is repeatedly rejoiced and of course you will use sugar again and again. He will be attracted to the meal repeatedly. Thus becoming addicted to eating badly, then the sixth and last advantage will be that you will be.

This habit that you find happiness in this habit can prove to be very harmful.You can lead to all these bad problems. All these diseases can take place in this joy. That you will reduce the use of sugar or leave.

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