Health and beauty tips

 Health and beauty tips , Health and wellness, Health and fitness,How you can get glass skin?Uses of healthy fruits for skin.

Health and beauty tips.

The topic we will talk about today is the story of every house. Every man wants to get beautiful color and every human being wants to look beautiful. Everyone's dream is to be young. We will tell you about some foods. Use of which will make you look young by getting beautiful color and beautiful skin, even the wrinkles will be greatly eliminated.


Use of water in our daily life

So we will talk about how water is useful for our skin. Water is a very important component of our health. Our body consists of 60 to 70 % of the water.

 Due to dehydration in the body, our face is our color If the skin worsens and a lot of wrinkles start to appear, then understand that water is very important, so use more of the water to get beautiful skin and meet the dehydration.

Do you know?

 Do you know that the chemical in our body all night There are reaction when these chemicals do not come out of our body and these chemicals begin to accumulate in our body, so they start to become prominent on the skin in the case of acne. Digestive is great for everyone

.Detox water


Let us tell you how Detox water is made. Take a liter of water. Add a piece of ginger five leaves to mint. Use a small piece cinnamon and a lemon. Put all these items in water and put it for one night.


Use the water in the mouth and keep using the same water in the day until the water is removed. If things are present, then the same ingredients will be used in the ingredients and water.


Using this water will reduce the water deficiency from the body and the other will eliminate the chemical reaction in the body through urine. This water will clean our gastrointestinal. If you work, the color will be beautiful and the skin too.


Now the food we will talk about is very good for our body and health. The name is the name of fish. It has many good nutrients for our skin, such as omega -3 omega -6 and protein that our Keep the skin moisturizing. 

The effects of the environment and the weather prevent our skin and the wrinkles and the shades.


There is a layer of collagen in our skin. It is made of large quantities of protein and vitamins under the collagen, as if the nail protects against the calculation, then the nail protects against the account and then the fish is also a diet. 

Which can make the layer of collagen in the body Because the diet will add as much protein as the skin will get better۔

3.Green leafy vegetables .

All green leafy vegetables such as cabbage mint spinach and even as many green leafy vegetables are found in large quantities of minerals. Zinc plays a very important role in appearing our skin. 


We have mostly used by cooking vegetables that eliminate its nutrition. We need to use these vegetables in the form of salads or make drinks and drink.


Drinking these vegetables drinks  cleanses the stomach and cleanses the liver. When our stomach and liver are good, we will work well, our skin will be beautiful and out of it.

5.Green leafy vegetables drinks.

Take four to five spinach leaves. Take a piece ginger. Take a lemon and pour water into it. If there is a cucumber , mix them with it. Blend them all. Make a drink for yourself by adding sugar to it. The biggest advantage of its use is that first of all your liver will be cleansed. Anemia and dehydration will be met and the colors will turn out and the skin will be beautiful.

6.Walnut .

Walnut is a very invaluable gift of nature that is very good for our skin. Walnuts also contain zinc vitamin A vitamin C and protein. All of these ingredients are good for our skin .

.Use and benefits .

If we wake up in the morning in our daily life and eat a palm  walnut with   water, our skin will be very moisturizing and beautiful and all skin problems will be eliminated soon.


Sunflower seeds are found in vitamin A vitamin E and zinc in the middle of sunflower. These are all ingredients that help to make our skin beautiful.

.Use and benefits 

If we take a teaspoon of a tablespoon of sunflower seeds, milk is milk salad or any other diet, it is very useful.

Now we talk about the ingredients we take in our daily life.


Cabbage nutrients eliminate inflammation in our body, help to greatly reduce all kinds of inflammation from our skin. We can also call it against cancer , If skin cancer patients are used will be very beneficial.

9.Carrot .

Carrot is found in large quantities of beta carotene, which is also vitamin A. Vitamin A, that is, is a very important role in making our skin beautiful and young.


Tomatoes have lycopene that is an antioxidant. It removes all chemical reactions from our body and cleanses our skin any kind of saying is very helpful to our skin. 

One is to meet the dehydration. It has anti -acids that eliminate the toxins from our body. They bring Brightness and Shine. All wrinkles and stains are helpful in reducing the spot

You will get glass skin and good health.

So it was some nutrients some eater and some drinkers we have shared with you. Use some of it or all will benefit greatly but if you change your life a little If there are even more benefits, as if you use a lot of fast food and bakery things, avoid exercise to make exercise an integral part of your body and your life because exercise gives our body a young look.

Try to take the least of the stress. When you take the stress, your eyes are lighter. If all these things do if you hope you can get a good and beautiful skin.

(So friends)

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