Best Foods for get iron and healthy life .

Best Nutrients to Eliminate Anemia Best Nutrition to Increase Blood In The body The best nutrients for prosperous and good health best prescriptions for beautiful color and prosperous and healthy life.

Eliminating anemia.

The patient has anemia. This is a phrase that we often hear from the mouth of doctors. Anemia may occur at any age. Anemia is actually called red cells deficiency in the body.

 Provision works if there is a steel or iron deficiency in the body, the number of red cells in the body begins to decline. It is called anemia in common words.

 The common cause of anemia is the lack of iron.  its scientific name is iron deficiency or Anemia.

If the required quantity does not get iron, they do not produce an important element found in the required blood cells in the desired amount of blood.


Due to this important nausea, our blood is red and the fact is that hemoglobin provides oxygen to our body tissue, so it is known that hemoglobin maintains the amount of hemoglobin to prevent the body from anemia.

Hemoglobin and it's importance.

If it decreases, the oxygen taken from the lungs does not reach the rest of the body, which causes the weakness of the tasks to suffer the fatigue fatigue in the chest. The skin color gets yellow.

Hemoglobin deficiency disadvantages and reasons.

And another problem that arises from it includes the sudden cooling of the hands and the inflammation of the tongue, as well as the anemia -suffering children feel very low and the heart wants to eat a harmful eating as ice and soil.  

The audience proves that one of the common causes of anemia is poor and unbalanced nutrients and nutrients in inadequate amounts of anemia cause serious problems due to anemia, including diarrhea and growth during heart disease. 

.We refer to some nutrients that help relieve anemia.

So, today we give you all the information you can use in your diet that can use things in your diet that can meet the body's deficiency in the body.


Pomegranate is a great source of blood shortage. In it, fat carbohydrates calcium magnesium potassium copper iron sulfur phosphorus and various vitamin C are found in large quantities, as well as pomegranate is the main source of hemoglobin levels.

 The presence of vitamin C contained in it increases the amount of air in the body. So friends contain only 83 calories in 100 grams pomegranate, Which is enough to keep a human being throughout the day


Dear Friends is not denying the numerous benefits of beetroot. It contains a large amount of fiber ,iron ,potassium, which is why beetroot is considered the most important to increase the level of hemoglobin. This healthy and useful vegetable is very helpful in getting rid of many deseas.

3.  Tomato.

Tomatoes are rich in iron  as well as provides vitamin C to the body, which makes the process of absorption in the body very fast as well as accelerates the process of increase blood in the body.


You know that most of the watermelon consists of water while it contains minerals and vitamins.

 Viewers contain 90 % of water and the remaining 10 % iron potassium sodium  calcium phosphorus and pigment ingredients.

 Eliminating the lack of hemoglobin or Red cells plays an important role in enhancing the level of blood in the body.

5. Green leafy vegetables .

Viewers, green vegetables, where you see and refresh you, they also use them to causes eliminating anemia in your body. 

Spinach is an instant blood vegetable. Using a plate salad in daily life can relieve anemia very quickly and spinach juice is also very excellent to relieve anemia.

6. Pulses .

Pulses  are  rich in fiber vitamin mineral magnesium and iron. The nutrient -rich fiber in this diet reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Fat can block these drains by accumulating. 

In such a way, the blood supply to the heart is stopped. If the blood supply to the heart is stopped, the risk of a heart attack may be at risk. Also protects the heart by bringing a level reduction.


Raisin is a diet that is very useful for eliminating anemia. It can be eaten by adding milk , yogurt or any dessert. It has a very happy taste anyway you can use it.

If you add 10  grains daily to its diet, then the blood will start to become more soon. As well as constipation complaints will be resolved.

The diabetic should be avoided by eating high raisins or consulted with your doctor.

8. Healthy animal's liver.

The audience iron is found in the liver, and it increases the amount of hemoglobin in the body. If it is used once a week, it will be more beneficial. The copper present in the human body supports metabolism in our daily diet.

 We get 0.9 milligrams of copper from our daily diet and if we use 13 oyster kale, we can meet the need for up to 13 mg of copper here. Let's tell you an important thing that the key should always use fresh and healthy liver of animals .

9. Dried Apricots.

Another excellent fruit for eliminating anemia is a dried apricot. It is a fruit in which fiber with iron and vitamin C is also available in large quantities. It is also very useful in relieving us from constipation.


If you do not know about the mulberry, then know that it is an iron rich fruit. It is a fruit in which the amount of protein is also found to be largely found, which plays a vital role in increasing the level of hemoglobin and Relieves a blood loss.

11.Date Fruit.

Dear friends increase the levels of date fruit Iron while in this regard, patients with diabetes need caution. Date fruit protects from many diseases. In the morning, getting up with empty stomach milk helps to relieve anemia by taking dates.

Plum is a fiber -rich fruit, which is a very effective treatment for constipation, as well as a large amount of iron that increases hemoglobin levels and relieves anemia from the body.

12. Chickpea.

Chickpea is a diet that is used in many ways. It is a very powerful diet and it is very delicious in food. This diet is rich in iron that is very important for the body to deliver hemoglobin.

13. Eggs.

There are also eggs to provide iron to the human body. A large egg contains about one mg of iron. Similarly, if an egg is added to its diet daily, it will help relieve anemia.

14. Jaggery.

Jaggery is also a great way to provide iron. It is because of the same good color it has a dark brown color, but diabetes  patients should be avoided from eating this.

Do you know?

 Friends, if we use these diets moderately, anemia can be removed within a few days, as well as patients with iron deficiency should take special care of their health. 

Take a deep breath in the fresh air in the morning so that the lungs can get full oxygen and the body system works very beautifully and health is good because good health is a good life.

Dear Friends 

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