Is it good to take aloe Vera everybody?

 what are the special features of aloe Vera? aloe Vera benefits for skin and health.  uses of aloe Vera to prevent illness. use of aloe Vera as food.

1. Aloe Vera purpose and uses .

2 .Introduction to Aloe Vera .

This is a very valuable thing, it is a simple thing to look but in reality there is a very special plant. If you see you, there is no sunblock better than it. There is no harmful chemicals. It is a natural gift that God has sent us. 

Many skin diseases eliminate the hair loss of the head. Hemorrhoids Treatment It Eliminates Stomach Fat Eliminates System Eliminates liver problem.

3. Uses .

Now you tell you what way and in problems and how it can be used. Use aloe Vera quickly. Peel it from sides and get its gel.

1.Aloe Vera gel.

There is a wonderful moisturizer inside it and there is such a wonderful tone that you will be surprised. This is a very wonderful thing.It is great as it has never seen a good lotion. Its gel is very valuable. It can be used in many domestic tips and can be achieved very successful results.

2.Aloe Vera uses for weight lose.

The biggest problem is for people whose stomach is out and the fat that is on the stomach ends very hard, whether they exercise or diet, their obesity is not reduced, so that such people should remove the fat. There is nothing better than  Aloe Vera.

So you have to take three tablespoons of aloe Vera gel and take a cup of grapefruit juice. Grind them both well.And drink grapefruit and Elvira gel made juice.

You will see that in a few days you will start to feel the best. By using two to three weeks, you will see that your fat has started to decrease. This is such a prescription and is very beneficial. Is beneficial for a lot of people.

3.Use of Aloe Vera in winter.

Then you will see that if there are winter, then coughing becomes very common in the winter, so you have to do so that the leaves of the Aloe Vera have to be placed on top of the oven.

 So it will melt and get out of the gel. You have to eat the gel with honey. You have to eat two to three times a day.  diseas will go and your winter will go very well.

4. Aloe Vera benefits for liver patient.

Today we will mention the features of a very charismatic type of plant with you and request you that if you have a slight space on the terrace, on the lone or anywhere, So you must plant the aloe Vera.

People who have poor liver here to do the problem of glands. What to do to them is to take the jail of Aloe Vera and sprinkle black salt on top of it and mix with ginger and eat a little bit for ten days. 

If the stomach eats it, Insha'Allah  will solve your liver problem.

5. Aloe Vera as a sunblock.

Those who do not go in the sun in the winter because their color does not turn black from the rays of the sun. You can sit down with no problem.If they use other sun blocks, they have chemicals. If they have chemicals, this Aloe Vera gel is a very amazing thing. 

Eliminate the nail will also get rid of the acne, so you will see yourself that if you get a beautiful and shining face and complexion, you will give it to the plant yourself.

6. Aloe Vera benefits in hair fall .

Now let's talk about people whose hair is falling, how can they stop their hair from falling, so it is a very useful thing for such people. And massage it on your head.

 You will see for yourself that your hair will stop falling if you add lemon juice to it and mix it well on the skin and on the hair. 

Will give advantage it will prevent hair from falling. It will strengthen hair cells and improve the growth and result in hair falling stops.

7. Use of Aloe Vera for dry hair and dandruff.

Now let's talk about people who have dry hair and dandruff. What will such people do now?So they have to do two tablespoons Aloe Vera gel and take two tablespoons coconut oil. Make it paste. Massage this paste on the head. 

Let this oil remain in the hair for 15 to 20 minutes. After that, wash your hair with normal shampoo, dry and dandruff will be eliminated. Hair will be very beautiful and strong as coconut oil has a lot of moisturizers that silks your hair and eliminates dryness.

8. Solution to eliminate problems that grow from sweating on the face۔

People who sweat too much or even work a little, are very sweaty and often their face is open when the face is open, the oil also comes out of them. And the dust also goes in. 

If they start applying Aloe Vera gel on the face, the black heads and the open mammals will all disappear. As a result, the face will turn into a very fresh and beautiful skin. Use will also eliminate wrinkles and dark spots.

.9. Aloe Vera use in Constipation .

If those who have a problem of constipation eat two tablespoons before going to sleep, then they will be completely relieved of constipation and hemorrhoids as it produces grease in the intestine, which causes dryness and resolved the problem of constipation.

 Helps this way by improving our digestive system.

10. Use of Aloe Vera in cause of cut .

Some men are often cut while shaving and then they use After Shaving lotion, then they have different chemicals in After shaving lotion. If you use up Aloe Vera gel instead of these lotions, it will be better. It will also fix and increase the freshness like the face so it will increase your beauty.

11.use of Aloe Vera to reduce acidity.

Today, we eat many spices. We prefer fast foods more priority. Foods that contain spices that increase acidity. The solution is to eat more hours before eating, eating a cup of aloe  Vera gel, it will not only stop such acidity but also improve the system of relief. Will make the correction of the intestines.

12. Use of Aloe Vera gel for Healthy and glowing skin.

If you grind a teaspoon of rose water in a cup of fresh aloe Vera gel and apply it on your face and let it stay for 20 minutes. Then wash your face. All problems will end slowly and your complexion will be greatly better. Nail acne will be eliminated. The wrinkles will also be eliminated. For the skin, it works as a great moisturizer and makes the face shine and beautiful.

.Which people should not use it.

People who have allergies as we put Aloe Vera gel on the hands of some people like a lotion, so that when they apply, they start to appear lightly on their body. 

If the skin can also be headed on the skin, it is better that people who are allergic to it should not use it. 

This is the solution to see such people using it in small quantities before. If the Aloe Vera  gel is applied to the skin, our skin is very soft and soft and natural shine, so those who are allergic to it should be applied to the skin or do a patch test by applying a small amount on the hair first. 

If appropriate, use again if you start to take it in small quantities, then take for constipation or to relieve skin diseases for the hair or to gram gastrointestinal disorders to relieve skin diseases or to colored shells.

 .Use required quantity.

For any other problem, you should start with a small amount, not from the cup and not with two tablespoons, but with a small amount of quantity and see how your body response and as you are up. As your body begins to adjust, you can come to the required quantity.

Prudence of measures.

People who have heart problems or pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers consult your doctor then use it even though it is a complete natural thing. There is no chemical that has chemicals with our body.

 Acting is because it is a natural thing that Allah has given us to make a gift. It does not have bad effects on the human body, but still careful attacks women and breastfeeding mothers use the doctor's advice.

Dear friends hope that the information you have told will be good and must have benefited some, so if you like our information, please comment and definitely follow it for us. Would be love and reward.

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